Transitioning to Triumph (TRIPLE T)
Director: Mark Blackburn
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Christmas for Kids Sign Ups
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Parents/Guardians can sign up their children, birth through age 14 for help with Christmas gifts. Please bring their birth certificate or a medical card can be used if it lists their birthdate. Sign ups will close when we reach 100 children. More information can be found at the link below.
Christmas 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Parents/Guardians can sign up their children, birth through age 14 for help with Christmas gifts. Please bring their birth certificate or a medical card can be used if it lists their birthdate. Sign ups will close when we reach 100 children. More information can be found at the link below.
Introduction to Pathways to Independence
9:30 AM We will have an introductory meeting for our Pathways' Program! You will be able to register at the introduction and be assigned a class date and time! Limited spots available each round. Come find out what Pathways is all about! For parents in Columbiana County with children under the age of 18 who fall within the income guidelines. See the link below for guidelines.
Monthly Food Distribution
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PLEASE BRING YOUR PHOTO ID. IF IT IS YOUR FIRST TIME ALSO BRING YOUR PROOF OF RESIDENCY. For our food distribution, we service within a 15 mile radius. If you are outside of that area, we encourage you to call 211 to find a food pantry closer to your location.
Staying Ahead Meeting
10:00 AM For Past Pathway Grads! An opportunity to get together with other Pathway grads and touch on different relevant topics! See Tammy with any questions!