Director: Tammy Blackburn
Pathways to Independence is a program for families struggling in poverty (falling within the income guidelines below) who live in Columbiana County with a child under the age of 19. We work to overcome barriers in your life that keep you in a cycle of just barely getting by. (Sponsored by The Way Station and Funded by CCJFS) TWO NEW CLASSES STARTING SOON! Get registered now! Stop by the Community Connection Center (the house next to The Way Station in East Liverpool) Wednesday mornings between 9 am and noon to register!
We begin with "Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World" classes. Every time you attend a class, you receive either a $20 gas voucher or a $20 credit to use at Walmart at a later time (We set up shopping times and meet to use the Walmart incentives.) When you complete the Getting Ahead Class, you will receive a new chrome book and case to keep!
If you are interested in participating in this program, please click here to fill out a request form. HERE Someone will contact you when we receive your information. Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you!
We have added a new layer to our Pathways to Independence Program, "Staying Ahead! This is for past Pathway participants to come and encourage each other while seeking new information to help you stay ahead! (Must still fall within the above income guidelines, live in Columbiana County and have a child under the age of 19.)
If you are interested, to sign up for Staying Ahead Click Here
We will be putting budget skills into practice on Thursday, January 30th at 10 am! We will be making plans for our February Staying Ahead Meeting! Hope you will join us!